You’ve filed bankruptcy. Your creditors are stayed. A bankruptcy discharge is ahead. You’re out from under unrelenting pressure to pay creditors. But don’t let your sense of relief keep you from planning: who should you pay after your case is filed? Paying creditors after filing bankruptcy Two legal realities drive who needs to be paid […]
Can Debt Discharged In Bankruptcy Come Back To Haunt You?
Can debt bankruptcy in bankruptcy come back to haunt me? Worried clients ask me this all the time, fearful that the relief they get from their creditors in bankruptcy is only temporary. The short answer is no. The automatic stay that stops collectors when you file bankruptcy is replaced, at the end of the case, […]
Six Tips For A Worry-Free Bankruptcy
What happens after filing bankruptcy ? Your bankruptcy case is filed. After you’ve assembled all the paper, after you’ve answered endless lawyer questions, and after you’ve filed all the bankruptcy schedules in your case with the court. what do you need to do now? Actually, relatively little happens after you’ve filed your bankruptcy. The heavy […]