There were several rocking chairs like this one, all lined up on the wooden deck so that guests could sit and stare off into the ocean. This one was by itself, and I was able to get a nice 3-image handheld HDR shot…
After three months of rain, snow, and freezing temperatures, we finally decided that we had had enough of winter in NYC; and when some friends told us they had enjoyed the peace and quiet of a low-key beach resort in Antigua called Galley Bay, we decided to try it out.
It definitely was low-key: except for a brief period around Christmas, children are not allowed. So the beach was filled with an assortment of ThirtySomething couples, as well as retirement-age folks from Canada, England, and various other places. There are three restaurants at Galley Bay, and they were mostly full for every meal; but the beaches weren’t crowded at all, and I never did see anyone using the grass(!) tennis court.
The weather wasn’t spectacular: lots of clouds, and brief periods of light rain almost every day. But there were also periods of partly-sunny and all-sunny skies, and the temperatures were mild and pleasant. All the usual TV channels were available, so we could keep up with the news back home; and a flaky Wifi network made it more-or-less possible to stay connected to the Internet.
But mostly it was very quiet. And very peaceful. And very relaxing. And we’ll be returning a mere one week before the official arrival of spring in New York City … which means that the worst of winter is over. All I can say is: good riddance, winter…
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